Friday, March 5, 2010

Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke was a really good movie. It was definitely the best movie we have watched all quarter. I liked that the movie was in color and it really brought out more of the movie and it kept me and it seemed like the whole class more focused. The film also had a really great story line and it was kind of hard to follow but I think that was only because we had all half days so we had to break it up. At first I didn’t really understand what was going on except for the violation part. Then as the movie progressed it became clearer. The second time I didn’t get how they found Luke but then I realized about the magazine. The end was really disappointing. I did not expect Luke to get shot, but they warned him about a third time. For Luke, it must have been really hard for him to cope with everything about his mother and putting him in the box really made me wonder why they would do that. Obviously it didn’t teach him a lesson. Then when the guards kept beating him and making him work extra hard I felt really bad but if he didn’t screw everything up and try and run away then he wouldn’t have to deal with those consequences. When the bet about the eggs was on I thought that was disgusting and didn’t want to watch I definitely thought he was going to throw up. Fifty eggs are so gross to even think about it I don’t know how he did it. In the end it was all worth it for him I guess but not in the end of the movie.


  1. I agree, this is the best movie we've watched all quarter.

  2. Definitely the best, but it was a bit confusing being broken up in the half days.

  3. it was definetly one of the better movies we have watched so far in class. i thought the part where he ate all those eggs was nasty. it was sad to see him die in the end and not be turned free.
