Friday, February 26, 2010

sound vs. no sound

When it comes to watching scary movies, sound is so much better to have than not to have. When we watched the shower scene with no sound i had no emotion toward the movie. At the beginging when Marian was just getting in, if i could hear the sound of the music i would start to get scared but i couldnt so it looked like she was happy and just washing up. Having no sound being played didnt help with guessing what was going to be next. When music and noise are in the background the audience can usually tell that a acary part is coming like when Norman came in to kill her with the knife. When the sound was on everyone was on like the edge of there seat but with none, no one even knew that he would be walking in and killing her. If it was the first time i watched the movie and it was with no sound i would have that it was him just walking in the shower to say hi or something. Not to kill her. Sound really makes the movie.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Casablanca was definitely not even in my top one hundred movies. I thought that this morning was so boring and I didn’t really understand it until it was explained. I don’t like how the movies are in black and white and no action in them. The movie didn’t make much sense to me because I think it had so many people that were in it and I never really new who was who. I never actually new who the main characters were until that was explained also. As far as I knew everyone played equal parts. I would not recommend this movie to anyone but older people like my grandparents who probably think that this movie is the best. I thought that when the movie was playing I wasn’t into it and I couldn’t concentrate on the movie at all. I like when I am really interested in the movie and don’t like when I feel like I can just fall asleep right then and there.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Newer King Kong

I thought that the newer King Kong was a lot better than the old one. The action shots and the animatioin were awesome. I didn’t like the length of it, and I thought that a lot of scenes were dragged on longer than they should have been. An example of a dragged on scene to me would be when King Kong got loose at the showing of him, and he was wrecking the cars and buildings and killing all the people. Then when Ann showed up and Kong saw her I am sure everyone expected that to happen and new it would be highlighted like she was when she was walking towards him. I also thought there were so many shots of her showing her emotions, and the camera seemed to be on her facial expressions a lot. Compared to the old King Kong her expressions actually changed and did not look like just one at different angles. Kong deffinetley looked realistic, well more so than the 1933 movie. Its funny how the men that were left and Ann only had the two small boats but managed to get Kong back to where they live. But I guess that is how a lot of movies are. I thought that this King Kong had a lot more of a story line to it than the older one. The natives were a lot more graphic and scarier in this King Kong, I didn’t expect it at all.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

King Kong

I thought that King Kong was interesting but I would not watch it on my own time. The reason that I actual watched it was because I have never seen a movie from way back and it was neat to see how things are put together and created for one film. There must have been so much time and effort put into the movie to get all the scenes to look realistic. I thought that Kong did not look real at all. I could deffinetly tell he was filmed in clips and it didn’t run through fluently. Not having the movie be totally realistic made it funny to watch. The dinosaurs were really random to me, I am not sure where they came into play but they did. When watching the way Kong grabbed Anne was amazing how they made it look practically real. While in Kong’s hand it definitely didn’t look like clay of any sort. Watching how different parts of the film are shot from angles can be interesting, and there is such a big difference that I see when I watch new movies and compare them. Newer movies have a lot more action to them and that comes a lot with movement of the camera. On King Kong I felt like the camera guy just stood in one play and moved up and down that was it. I thought that the close up of the bar opening for the gate was pretty cool. Anne, to me, didn’t seem very realistic at all when she was acting; she had the same reaction with a lot of her emotions. She seemed to use her eyes a lot to signal how she felt whether she was scared, surprised or in love. King Kong had good sound effects and music to go along with all of the scenes. I could definitely tell when something bad was going to happen or when something good was happening. As the music got louder when Jack left Anne, I new that something was going to happen, then the natives showed up and took her. One part that I thought was funny was when the natives saw everyone from the boat standing there and then didn’t know what to do. Then one of the guys was like don’t go anywhere they already saw us and it was too late. That was a great scene. In all, this movie was okay, definitely not my favorite.